Solidarity for developing communities
Gajapati district is renowned in the state of Odisha, Gajapti has 7 Block, Mohana is one of them. Mohana block is bigger block in the Gajapati district. Also mohana block has 39 grama panchyat, in which Mera pali is one of them. The Mera pali Grampanchyat consists of 9 revenue villages and K bandhaguda is one of them. This village is 10 kilo meter away from the block head quarter and 130 k m away from the district head quarter. The village is surrounded by cultivable land, mountain and Luhagudi Grampanchyat is in the east. In that village 70 house hold are there all belongs to both Tribal and Hindu communities, more or less 300 people living in this village, few of them are Dalit communities. This inhabitant are very poor and most of them are daily labourer.
Mrs. Jayanti Mallick one of the inhabitant of this village. Age about 32 belongs to Schedule tribe and a hindu religion. Her husband name Ganesh Mallick age about 35 all together 5 person live together in a difficult life. Jayanti is illiterate but her husband 10 class failed. When they got married in early life they faced so many trouble and tribulation in the way of life. Ganesh is only one son of their family. But it was so difficult to maintain his family. When the dispute occurs in the family at the same time Jayanti was not interest with her husband. She also running to her mother house repeatedly. Due to financial trouble and empty handed it was so painful to jayanti as well as Ganesh. But some time they go for manual work by the few earn they lead their life. By the time they were depending on forest produces like mahua flowers, tamrind, fire wood, sala leaf etc. But one day all the village women organizing meeting and they shared their views and ideas, at the same time Jayanti also participated in this meeting. She shared everything in front of all women. The time that she was not a member of SHGs. When she came to know that there is a SHGs in their community. She realized and interested to took part in form a SHG group by the advice of SFDC staffs. Also in the early the village girls were not studying and not going to school. Now the time has come most of the girls are going to schools and collegs. And some of the family members are doing government jobs in the village. Government schemes and facilities are availed by the villagers.
Slowly the group grown up, and they name it Manikeswari SHG. Jayanti took active role in the group. By her presence and active role now they work with group. The group has 10 members. They are organizing meeting, saving money, and they have a internal loaning facility. And when they face financial trouble happened with the SHGs members they solve their problem. Also they meet their daily needs through the SHG groups. By the passage of time now regularly touch with the SFDC Staff. Also they bring loan from the Grampanchyat or OLM fund and that money is investing in a proper way for the profit of groups as well as individuals. Gradually now this village has 6 SHGs working in their own dream and vision .
Jayanti and their group members came to participate in our TPSODL training programme, frequently they participated in all types of activities and training programme. Now they have new vision and ideas to strengthen their groups in a bigger platform. At present they are making bricks and it will sell in a good price. Now they have a Rs 30,000/ balance in their bank pass book and Rs20,000/ has been invested bricks making, also some women plan to do the seasonal business activities. Also they have plan for vermin bed, compost pit for agriculture activities. After getting training from the TPSODL they also doing organics based agriculture like cabbage, tomatos, brinjal. Pumpkin, and radish etc. by the way they earn money in the group as well as individuals.
Finally they have gratitude to the staff of SFDC and TPSODL for constant guidance and support for the women and all types of training and reformative action being taken in a philanthropic way.
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